“You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn
Think about that for a second…
Who are the 5 people you spend the most time with?
Who are you surrounding yourself with on a daily, weekly, hourly basis?
Are they inspiring you, challenging you, pushing you beyond your comfort zone, encouraging you to grow?
Or are they bringing you down, guilting you, making you question your dreams, instilling a scarcity mindset, or encouraging you to stay where you’re at?
Are you always the smartest person in the room?
Jim Rohn’s quote, and this idea of surrounding yourself with people who motivate, inspire, push you, has been on my mind a lot lately. And the truth is, I realized that I want more people in my life that push me beyond my limits. Here’s the real deal. You don’t need to rid yourself of your best friends and your family if they aren’t pushing you to grow. But what it does mean is that in some avenue of your life, you need to be surrounding yourself with people that are further along than you are.
You need to build your tribe.
Why? Because it’s incredibly hard to visualize what’s possible or push to that next level in your business if you can’t see someone else in your life already making it happen.
If you want to book more weddings next year, you need to be spending time with photographers who book MORE weddings than you. If you want to up your prices, you need to be spending time with photographers who charge more than you. And if you want to make six-figures in 2020, you better believe you need to be spending time with a photographer that makes six-figures.
Stop spending time with people who bring you down and keep you stagnant.
Here are three things you can do, right now, to create your tribe of people who will push you to grow + inspire you to take the next scary steps.

Hire a Business Coach or Mentor
This is hands down my number one recommendation for anyone looking for more inspiring, motivating people in their lives. When I hired my first business coach, it changed everything and pushed me to launch an entirely new business. This is the easiest way for you to connect with someone you admire. And have them help you get the exact steps you need to take to get to where you want to go. Find someone to PUSH you.
As a coach, I help people unleash their creativity and business genius + transform their business. We explore your mental blocks or self-limiting beliefs and break them down. This allows creativity, abundance, and financial growth to manifest for you. Starting your business or a seasoned professional – let’s dig deep into who you are + what you want and build your business with intention so it aligns entirely with you!
My business coach helped me to visualize that next level for my business. And gave me the steps to actually get there.

Seek out Networking Groups To Surround Yourself
I’m not talking average networking groups, here. I’m talking networking groups that are filled with the level of people that you aspire to be. This can be anything from an income-based group to a mastermind group focused specifically on entrepreneurs wanting to grow their business. I also have created a group – for photographers like you! Focus + Thrive is a community for photographers, who are looking to connect with others who are not just seeking to up-level their business, but also want to get more into alignment.
Bottom line: find a group of people that are further along than you that can help take your business to the next level.

This one may surprise you, but volunteering is an incredible way to surround yourself with positive people. While simultaneously giving back to your community. While this may not be an obvious way to find people ahead of you in your business, it’s a great way to connect with active community folks, including donors and high-level executives, that can be ahead of you in your business. Bonus, you’ll never meet a more positive group of people than volunteers.
I know it can be nerve-wracking to reach out to a business coach, a networking group, or even volunteer. But what I know for sure is that if you’re ready to grow your tribe and ask for guidance, people 10 steps ahead of you will always be open to cheering you along.
I know I’m cheering for you.
Who You Surround Yourself With Matters. Here’s Why